12:00 PM - 3:00 AM
Opening Hour SAT - THU
300 L.E
7 or 15 min90 L.E
7 or 15 min50 L.E
A hair dryer that softens and straightens the hair
7 or 15 min60 L.E
Hair styling with an iron or blow dry, which makes your hair straight and smooth.
7 or 15 min70 L.E
Cut hair with scissors only in a professional way.
40 min250 L.E
45 or 60 min40 L.E
The beard dryer straightens the hair and gives it a stunning look
7 or 15 min50 L.E
Beard coloring with a natural appearance, natural colors
20 min50 L.E
Shaving with hot steam and hot towel
20 min70 L.E
15 min50 L.E
15 min20 L.E
7 or 15 min20 L.E
15 min700 L.E
It started from the light bleaching color
45 or 60 min50 L.E
min20 L.E
00 min200 L.E
Scalp Treatment.
min60 L.E
Under Eye Treatment
min10 L.E
Ear wax
7 min10 L.E
Pulling the hair from the nose with a wax stick.
5 min min425 L.E
Hair straightening treatment
45 or 60 min150 L.E
Cleanses the face from (impurities, blackheads, fat, unify color, lighten the skin tone, stimulate the atrophic cycle.
45 min150 L.E
Treatment of hair from frizz and fall due to damage to heat, dyes and protein in an incorrect way.
45 or 60 min